Senior Lecturer
National University of Singapore
Senior Lecturer
National University of Singapore
Keeping pace with changing student demands and learning styles, I am constantly experimenting with hybrid & interdisciplinary teaching. Below are two examples of my recent teaching experiments. Both were well-received by students. See below for information on the courses and student feedback.
Making Sense of Society
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Thanks to a generous grant from the Provost's Office, I was awarded SG$55,544 (US$$41,165) to work with a professional video editing company to convert the existing introduction to sociology course to a blended course, with bite-sized videos culminating with quizzes that need to be completed before the next video can be watched. The course had online, synchronous review sessions and in-person tutorials bi-weekly to ensure students received a diverse range of educational resources to keep them engaged, while still preserving the freedom that comes with online learning.
Student Feedback:
"The videos done by him are very clear and increase ones knowledge of sociological concepts. The zoom lecture allows for further clarifications of the topic. "
"Love the way this module is structured!! the module i look forward to most because Radics makes the content interesting and resonates with me and the teachers make it enjoyable."
"Thank you for providing the short videos for us to look through at our own pace!"
Beyond the Good and Evil of Drugs
HS2915: College of Humanities and Sciences
In this course, I worked with a faculty member in the Pharmacy Department to teach an interdisciplinary course on drugs. While she taught the science dimension, I taught the social science dimension. We experimented with live student feedback and alternative assessments such as debates and picture captions (students create and image about drug use and explained it). The challenge the entire semester was to cater to two groups of students with wildly different expectations and interests. Overall, the course ran smoothly and students enjoyed the content.
Student Feedback:
"Very clear examples, provides a lot of history that adds immense value to the topic. Also makes an attempt to link it back to science."
"Dr George has an extensive knowledge of sociology and law, able to provide excellent points and counterpoints to a whole variety of arguments."
"The module provides comprehensive and up–to–date content that is relevant to the field. The lectures are well–structured and delivered in a clear and engaging manner, facilitating student understanding and retention of key concepts. "